
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Joe Ma Supports Joel Chan, While Michael Tse Teases

Joe Ma, Michael Tse, Skye Chan, and other actors from "Relic of an Emissary" attended to a promotion event yesterday. Talked about Joel Chan was absent again from promotion events and was snapped hanging out with rumored girlfriend Florinda Ho in Londa, Joe gave his support to his good friend: "I don't know whether the guy in the photo is Joel. He declined to star in 'Return to Three Kingdoms' because of sickness or personal family matters, which are not good things. I hope everything is good for him."

While Joe supports Joel, fellow actor in the drama Michael teases him instead: "Was he there for the royal wedding? And coincidentally photographed by others? I know he is on a long break. (Shouldn't give up work for love?) There are many reasons to decline dramas. Moses Chan said he is opening a coffee shop. Everyone has his reasons. Twins even sings 'Love is Bigger Than Sky'." [which means love is more important than anything else]

Source: Mingpao  / Translation: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment

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