Kay's Entertainment is Back!

After being away for 7 months, Kay is back with the brand new Kay's Entertainment! How are you all? Tell me about anything cool that happened :D


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Charlene Choi the queen of rock

Charlene Choi (Ah Sa) put away the happy look in her second EP "Another Me", showing off the other side of her with a stylish and rock look. The album adopted the use of black and white photo. The shooting process went smoothly. Ah Sa said, "It feels very new, very different than before, maybe that's why it excites everyone while working." Ah Sa will open for the two-week photography exhibition tomorrow night. Everyone can write down his/her feelings on the comment page after watching the exhibition,...

Suki Tsui finally admits pregnancy

Suki Tsui and fiance attended an opening ceremony for a wedding shop today, and finally admitted pregnancy. When Suki and her fiance were accepting interviews, reporters all asked whether she will admit carrying a baby. At first Suki and her fiance tried to let each other to handle the question, didn't know how to answer. But in the end the two finally admitted happily of 3 months pregnant. Asked her constant denial in the past is due to whether afraid of the child being stingy or afraid being...


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