Kay's Entertainment is Back!

After being away for 7 months, Kay is back with the brand new Kay's Entertainment! How are you all? Tell me about anything cool that happened :D


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Vanness Wu Is Willing to Have A Urine Test to Prove He Isn't On Drugs

Monday, February 22, 2010 TaiwanSource: Mingpao/ON.CCTranslated by: KAY@PAVanness Wu and Jimmy Hung were involved in a marijuana arrest of a colleague who works in their company. Vanness and Jimmy held a press conference in Taipei to clear up. Jimmy expressed he didn't touch any drugs and felt sorry for implicating his father: "Although he is a little angry, but he believes in me!" Vanness read the Bible in the conference to prove his innocence. He didn't plan to have a urine test, but will...

Lady GaGa Goes Emotionally Crazy During Magazine Cover Shoot

Reported by UK's "Mirror," Lady GaGa was shooting a half-nude cover for magazine "Q." But all of a sudden, she went emotionally crazy---got angry at the photographer and cried 'hate myself shooting these sexy photos!' She also threatened the crew to find her boyfriend, otherwise she will quit. From Mirror, by KAY@kays-entertainment.blogspot....


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