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After being away for 7 months, Kay is back with the brand new Kay's Entertainment! How are you all? Tell me about anything cool that happened :D


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

(5) Lisa Ch'ng is Suspicious of Encountering Supernatural Events, Causing Her to Have High Fever

Source: The Sun / Translated by: KAY @ kays-entertainment.blogspot.com India is one the four ancient civilizations. Stories of ghosts and gods have been circulating for thousands of years. This year's Miss Hong Kong contestants went to India to film, staff who went along even exposed contestants encountering supernatural incidents. Within them, Lisa Chong and Toby Chan's are the hardest to explain. It seems really need to ask Professor King @ "Mysteries of Love" to explain them. Although 15...

Andy Hui Talks About Reconciling With Sammi Cheng

Source: Singtao / Translated by: KAY @ kays-entertainment.blogspot.com Andy Hui has been rumored about reconciling with Sammi Cheng. Lately even a proposal version appeared. Yesterday when he record for "Jade Solid Gold," reporters joked they have to congratulate him. He expressed the reason why he won't reply to the reconciliation rumor is because he doesn't want to complicate it. He is helpless that until now there isn't any big headline to take the attention away from the rumor. When he read...

S.H.E Goes to the US, Ella Tries Her Luck On Her Birthday

Source: NowNews / Translated by: KAY @ kays-entertainment.blogspot.com After a vacation in Bali Island, S.H.E flied to Connecticut, USA for their concert. Ella and the crew arrived there a day early. Ella specially went into the casino to try her luck, she even told the dealer: "Be nice to me. Today is my birthday." But in the end she lost more than 3000 dollars. She stopped immediately and went to enjoy seafood in a lobster restaurant. Because the casino isn't far away from Boston, which produces...

Bosco Wong Admits Plagiarizing, 'Hope Everyone Understand'

Source: Apple Daily / Translated by: KAY @ kays-entertainment.blogspot.com Bosco Wong released new album lately. Within the album, MV for new song 《越過高山越過谷》 (Over the Mountain Over the Valley), produced by record company AMusic, is very similar to American singer Chris Brown's "With You."  MV of "With You" and "Over the Mountain Over the Valley" both feature solo street dancing. Both leads are dancing and singing on the streets at night. Besides having a pretty woman in a luxury car, Bosco's...

Raymond Lam Won't Invite Linda Chung As Performing Guest

Source: Mingpao / Translated by: KAY @ kays-entertainment.blogspot.com Raymond Lam announced another show (July 28) would be added in his upcoming concert in HK Coliseum, performing three shows in total. He opened champagne with high executives Ng Yu, Virginia Lok, and Ho Lai Chun etc to celebrate. He was once carried away that he broke the glass on the table. Raymond said: "It's not my request to add another show, tickets are really sold out, I owe many tickets for other people, don't know how...

Ah Sa Doesn't Mind Boyfriend is the Showbiz

Ah Sa went to promote her Mandarin album "AS A SA" in Mainland lately. She showed up in Chongqing earlier and accepted interview from the media. Talked about her current love life, she said she will not reject others introducing boyfriends to her, she feels fate is the most important. She believes she would definitely find happiness in the future. Asked whether she will not consider finding her partner in the showbiz? She said let it be and will not oppose. As right now she is still friends with...

Simon Yam Wins 'Best Actor' in Spanish Film Festival

Source: Takungpao / Translated by: KAY @ kays-entertainment.blogspot.com Simon Yam attended to Cable TV's World Cup event yesterday. He disclosed he received a call from Wong Jing, expressing Simon won Best Actor in Spanish Film Festival with "Night and Fog." Simon said he feels very happy to the film's director Ann Hui. Although he couldn't attend to receive the award himself, but because he didn't contribute all on his own but the result of the whole team, so he doesn't feel it's a pity. (*Kay's...


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