Kay's Entertainment is Back!

After being away for 7 months, Kay is back with the brand new Kay's Entertainment! How are you all? Tell me about anything cool that happened :D


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Candy Lo: Register Marriage First Then Wedding Reception

Source: ON.CC Translated by: KAY@kays-entertainment.blogspot.com Candy Lo was planning to get marry with boyfriend this year, but because the two have new jobs now so they hardly have time to plan. Candy joked this is her comeback year and if there's too much work, she might register for marriage first then have a wedding reception. Registering means she confirmed the relationship; reception is just a ceremony. The theme for the wedding would be as simple as possib...

Ah Sa & Ronald Cheng Split!

On yesterday's premier of "Beauty On Duty" in Beijing, Charlene Choi (Ah Sa) finally announced she and Ronald Cheng broke up after 6 years of dating. She stressed with red eyes: "No third wheel is involved, we part our ways because we understand what we want in the end. Please don't have unnecessary doubts. I'm enjoying my busy life right now." The two even talked about marriage, but lately it was rumored they broke up, especially Ah Sa suddenly told the public that she is single. "We...


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