Kay's Entertainment is Back!

After being away for 7 months, Kay is back with the brand new Kay's Entertainment! How are you all? Tell me about anything cool that happened :D


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Stephy Fans Attack on Weibo, Ah Gill Stays Up at Night to Delete Comments

Gilliang Chung (Ah Gill) made her official comeback this year. First regrouped TWINS with Charlene Choi and held a concert in April, then her film "Ex" released in theaters. In order to build popularity, never write blog andFacebook, Ah Gill opened her Weibo (Sina mini blog) to attract fans in Mainland. Lately her old film with ex-rumored boyfriend Alex Fong "The Fantastic Water Babes" is arranged to release in July. Coincidentally, it's after the rumor of Alex and Stephy Tang getting married...

Cyndi Wang Plays Jing Chang's Lady, Pole Dances Casually

Source: Taiwan Next Magazine / Translated by: KAY @ kays-entertainment.blogspot.com After being hurt by Fan Zhi Wei, Cyndi Wang hasn't accept any new jobs besides the ones that she already promised to do. After a month, Cyndi accepted her first job in low-profile and it's Jing Chang Yun Jing's MV female lead for her new song <<愛情選項>>. After her break-up with Fan Zhi Wei, she rather plays a lesbian character in MV, also proving Jing is appealing to women. On June 23 around 10AM, Cyndi...

Chapman To and Wong Cho Lam Film Bed Scene

In new film "La Comédie Humaine," Chapman To has a different kind of performance with Wong Cho Lam. Besides having "bed scenes" with Cho Lam, Chapman also showed up topless, trying to fight against the popular "lang mo." In the film, the two have a close and ambiguous relationship. Chapman said: "Because the scene is about I fainted due to a fever, he saved me and brought me home, he helped me to take off my shirt, releasing some heat, he also applied medicated oil on me and fed me congee." Asked...

Jay Chou's New Album Sold 1 Million Copies in Asia

Source: Mingpao / Translated by: KAY @ kays-entertainment.blogspot.com Jay Chou's new album "The Era" has sold 1 million copies in Asia so far and he held a celebration dinner yesterday. It's said Show Luo was Taiwan record industry's best selling artiste last quarter, Jay's record company expressed they are unclear about it, but stressed "The Era" sold 120,000 copies in Taiwan, and they didn't exaggerate the number. Jay would film sequel for "Secret" next year. He is currently looking for actors,...


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