Kay's Entertainment is Back!

After being away for 7 months, Kay is back with the brand new Kay's Entertainment! How are you all? Tell me about anything cool that happened :D


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Selina's Dad Expose Daughter's Wedding Date, Rushing to Find New House and Getting Married Next Year

Source: Next Media Translated by: KAY @ kays-entertainment.blogspot.com Selina Ren @ S.H.E accepted boyfriend of 3 years Richard Chang Cheng Chong's confession during her concert. Yesterday her dad Ren Ba exposed the two's wedding date is set to be in next year, his daughter is finding a new house right now: "I hope engagement and wedding can be done all at once. As for the date, we would respect his family's decision." Selina's record company HIM Music replied: "Happy to see her doing great," stressing...

Jessica C. Celebrates World Cup With Hot and Sexy Photos

Source: Oriental Daily and The Sun Translated by: KAY World Cup kicks off today and model Jessica C. (JC) celebrates it with hot and sexy photos! Yesterday photos from her upcoming photo album were exposed, there are some half-nude photos where she lies on the bath tub topless, only covering her breasts with long hair. JC expressed during the photo shoot, she was extremely cautious with every move, trying not to expose her nipples. Of course bikini beach photos aren't left out, JC showed off her...

Rabee Yeung Awaits For Her Wedding Day

Source: Oriental Daily Translated by: KAY Miss Hong Kong 2003 runner-up Rabee Yeung is fluent in both Chinese and English, so she is always invited to host many events. Lately she was the host for an event held by Rudis Sylva. Wearing an expensive watch that is worth two million, she was extremely careful: "There are only two of this watches in Hong Kong, its cost is enough for me to buy a house!" Currently dating Tim@Dear Jane, she said she is waiting him to give her a diamond couple watch. Rabee...

Next Time Dating, Jerry Yan: Would Make It Public

Source: UDN Translated by: KAY Away from Beijing for 5 years, Jerry Yan held a book signing for his photo album "9314 Man and Boy" in the city. He once dated Chi-ling Lin, a romantic relationship that the two couldn't make it public. Yesterday it was his first time talking about romance in the future: "If it's at a right situation, I would make it public to everyone." As for qualities of his other half, he said: "Want to find a serious girl, although I got older, but I am not mature enough, need...

Bosco and Myolie Are 'Out-of-tune Couple'

Source: Singtao Translated by: KAY Bosco Wong attended to Jade Solid Gold (JSG) as guest last night to promote his new album. Asked did he comfort rumored girlfriend Myolie Wu, who was said singing out-of-tune, he said he even worries about himself singing out of tune. Because he hasn't appear in JSG for a long time, plus he doesn't have enough time to prepare, he worried about singing out of tune and forgetting lyrics. But fortunately when he performed, everything went fine. Reporters teased he...


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