Kay's Entertainment is Back!

After being away for 7 months, Kay is back with the brand new Kay's Entertainment! How are you all? Tell me about anything cool that happened :D


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Vanness Wu Back With Ex Arissa?

Guess you can't forget your old love that easily. Vanness Wu dated Singaporean girlfriend Arissa Cheo in 2006 but the two broke up after a year. Then the "Autumn Concerto" star openly announced getting back with his ex this April. However, the 'AV' (Arissa-Vanness)-love ended again and Vanness wasn't willing to confirm the reason for the split. Although Vanness told the media that he only wants to focus at his career at the moment, but yesterday he was spotted at an airport in Taiwan with Arissa....

Ah Sa Already Meets William Chan's Parents

William Chan and Vincy Chan attended to a Christmas event yesterday. William said earlier he held a 60-people Christmas party. Besides family and friends, girlfriend Charlene Choi (Ah Sa) also attended. Asked whether he took this opportunity to bring girlfriend to see his parents, he said Ah Sa already met his parents earlier. He expressed Ah Sa even helped out that night to clean the floor when a guest made the floor dirty. Asked whether he feels Ah Sa is a good woman to marry, he said: "Won't...

Kay Wishes You a Merry X'Mas :)

Hello! ^.^ :D It's the first Christmas Kay's Entertainment is spending with you guys XD 聖誕節快樂!! Hope you're having a wonderful holiday with you love ones, family and friends. Hope you get some great gifts :P Eat well (yummy Christmas dinner) and sleep well (be in bed as long as you want! break!)! Even if you are spending the holiday alone (unfortunately), we're here for you~ Don't get frustrated like the pic on the right (LOL). Even if you're frustrated, I hope everything will be better soon for...


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