Kay's Entertainment is Back!

After being away for 7 months, Kay is back with the brand new Kay's Entertainment! How are you all? Tell me about anything cool that happened :D


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Ah Sa Becomes Netizens' Ideal Lover

Charlene Choi (Ah Sa) became male and female netizens' ideal lover. A workaholic, she said she isn't a perfect lover and she even exposed she was complained by her boyfriend. G.E.M. and Angelababy are runner-ups in this contest. Ah Sa is voted as the ideal female lover by male and female netizens. This result by Yahoo HK made her very happy. She joked she won because she is harmless, "Females picked me, because I'm not a threat. Males picked me because their girlfriends won't complain!" However,...

'Bling Ring' Gang Member: Paris Hilton Is A Dumb Target

Nick Prugo, who is part of a gang that rob celebrities called Bling Ring, said they robbed Paris Hilton because they thought she's dumb. He said Paris left the key to her home under her doormat, and didn't even notice her home was robbed until two months later. I laughed, wouldn't you? Leaving the key to your home under your doormat...Dear Paris, did you watch too much movies? Yes, that's a hot way to put your spare key---in movies and dramas, not in real life. That's dumb. By KAY@kay-ente...

Amigo Chui Self-Reflects, Volunteers in Haiti

Friday, February 5, 2010 Hong Kong Source: Oriental Daily Translated by: KAY@PA Since he was suspected of beating ex-girlfriend, Elizabete Kwong, Amigo Chui has been hiding himself due to emotional stress. He dined out with Stephen Chan recently, making a rare appearance. Amigo Chui will go to Haiti to volunteer, hoping to rebuild confidence by helping victims of the earthquake. After he self-reflected himself, he will return to the showbiz. Amigo Chui stopped working after his incident. He couldn't...

TV Index

A A Chip Off the Old Block 巴不得爸爸 (2009)  / A Fistful of Stances 鐵馬尋橋 (2010) / A Watchdog's Tale 老友狗狗 (2009) / An Uninvited Date 不速之約 (?) / Autumn's Concerto 下一站,幸福 (2009) B Beyond the Realm of Conscience 宮心計 (2009) / Beauty Knows No Pain 女人最痛 (2010) / Born Rich 富貴門 (2009) / C Calling For Love 呼叫大明星 (2010) / Can't Buy Me Love 公主嫁到 (2010) / Colorful World of Sister Fa 花花世界花家姐 (?) / D  Don Juan DeMercado 情人眼裡高一D (2010) E Endless Love 愛∞無限 (2010) / Every Move You Make 讀心神探 (2010) / F Fly With Me 飛女正傳 (2010) / Four Women Conflict...

Jocelyn Wang Admits Relationship, Blue Lan Said It's Just Gossip

Friday, February 5, 2010 Taiwan Source: China Times Translated by: KAY@PA Although Jocelyn Wang admitted she already broke up with Blue Lan, Blue still denied their relationship when he attended to TTV and SETTV's promotion of "偷心大聖P.S.男", saying the two were never together, where does break-up come from? He said, "It's just gossip." It's rumored that Jocelyn couldn't stand his nagging and he blamed her for not watching "Police Et Vous." Blue said he doesn't nag, but when two people are together,...


Let's link! Leave a message when you want to exchange links! ありがとう! In alphabetical order: Alec Nguyen's Jessica Hsuan Fan Zone Always TVB2  Boscolieeva (fan fictions) Celebs Talk Forum Chikomusic In Love With TVB Linda Chung Thoughts May Daily MadameLeung Blog Myolie Little House   Spectacular Sheren!  Simply TVB Taiwan in Egypt Totally Very Best TVB  TVB Elicit TVB Horizon TVB Interaction --> switched to HERE TVB News World Taiwan...

Movie Index

#s 14 Blades 錦衣衛 (2009) / 72 Tenants of Prosperity (2010) / A B Break Up Club 分手說愛你 (2010) / C Close to You 近在咫尺 (2010) / D Dear John (2010) /  E Ex 前度 (2010) / F Fire of Conscience 火龍 (2010) / G Golden Horse Awards /  Go Lala Go! 杜拉拉升職記 (2010) / H Harry Potter / Hong Kong Film Awards / I Ip Man 2 葉問 II (2010) / Ip Man Prequel 葉問前傳 (2010) /  J K L La Comedie Humaine 人間喜劇 (2010) /  M Monga 艋舺 (2010) / MTV Movie Awards / My Sassy Girl 2 (?) / N New Shaolin Temple 新少林寺 (2010) / O P Perfect Fairytale...


 About This Site/BlogKAY'S ENTERTAINMENT is a place where you'll find translated hot Chinese/Asian entertainment news. The focus would be mainly Hong Kong entertainment along with e-news from Taiwan, Mainland, other Asian cultures, and lastly Hollywood/Western gossip. They can be accessed through the orange navigation bar under the banner. Under 'Special Feature' on the navigation bar, you would read articles about current trends in the industry, interviews, artiste features, and...

Stars Index

A A-Mei Chang / A-Wei (Lollipop) / Aaron Yan / Ada Choi / Ady An / Adam Cheng / Ah Gill / Ah Sa / Aimee Chan / Alex Fong Lik Sun / Alice Tzeng / Alicia Keys / Amber Kuo / Amigo Chui / Andy Lau / Angelababy / Angelica Lee / Anita Yuen / Anthony Wong / Ariel Lin / Ava Yu Kiu (singer) / Aya Liu Han Ya B Barbie Hsu / Bernice Liu / Beyonce / Bianca Bai / Big Four / Blackie Chen / Blue Lan Cheng Long / Bobby Au-Yeung / Bosco Wong / Bowie Lam / Bowie Tseng / C Cai Kangyong (host) / Calvin Chen/ Candy Lo / Carina Lau / Carrie Lam / Cecilia Cheung / Cecilia...


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