Kay's Entertainment is Back!

After being away for 7 months, Kay is back with the brand new Kay's Entertainment! How are you all? Tell me about anything cool that happened :D


Monday, August 30, 2010

Niki Chow Shows More Feminity Turning 30+

Today is Niki Chow's 31th birthday (HK time: yesterday). Many good friends in the showbiz specially celebrated this big day for her in a hotel. Sister Kathy Chow, Natalie Tong, Emmy Wong, Marianne, and Wayman Wong etc came to the party. Niki specially dressed up for this big day that she purposely put on bright red nail polish and wore a black top, making her look more feminine. It's known Niki's good friends brought out a big birthday cake at 12AM and sang birthday song together, giving the birthday...

Hebe Tien Has 5 Relationships, Refuses to Clear Up Whether She Loves Male or Female

Because preorder sales of her first album "To Hebe" is doing well, Hebe Tien held a celebration event yesterday. Her romantic life is still media's focus. She admitted dating 5 people before. Whether she's single now? She replied: "You don't need to be with that someone when you're dating. Reporters asked again whether people she dated have male and female? She avoided answering it directly, only said: "I've dated pretty nice people." Hebe expressed she enjoys being alone. There's no need to have...

G.E.M. Tang Indirectly Admits Dating Yoga Lin

G.E.M. Tang's romance rumor with Taiwanese singer Yoga Lin is becoming clear. Yesterday reporters continued to ask G.E.M. about it and she didn't say much, seemed like she's trying to protect boyfriend's career in Taiwan. She kept talking about other things: "I'm releasing an album soon. Don't want the focus shifts to romance. I don't want to lie either, so I rather not answer and I don't dare to say it." G.E.M. is afraid once the relationship is announced, they might break up easily. So she hopes...

Taiwanese Idol Drama Ratings (Sundays 08/29/2010)

Poor Summer's Desire...still hasn't broke 2 even with last episode....so who got the girl in the end? Luo Xi or Ou Chen? I haven't watched it yet >.< Zhong Wu Yen 鐘無艷 (TTV) - 2.45 Summer's Desire 泡沫之夏 (FTV) - 1.67 Endless Love 愛∞無限(CTS) - 0.77 Cheryl's back saved this week's ratings...


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