Sa: Charlene Choi R: Reporter
R: You look very tired, are you stressed?
Sa: (smiles bitterly, nods) Yes. Hope my company would understand and let me rest after our concert. I really couldn't think of anything right now.
R: It's said you met a rich guy from Shanghai, and that's the cause for the divorce?
Sa: We already explained in the press conference that there isn't any 3rd wheel, no rich Shanghainese, no such person exists. Time can prove everything. (frowns, gets emotional) I don't know what say anymore. Ask Ronald if you want any proof. (Eyes get red) Hostile rumors popped out everyday. Sometimes rich man, sometimes third wheel, eventually it will rumor that I have an illegitimate child!
R: Did you call Ronald and talk about it?
Sa: Yes, we contacted each other, called him today and talked about this issue, Ronald said reporters in Beijing asked him about it, too.
R: You guys call each other everyday?
Sa: (nods) Yes
R: Since you guys contact each other that often, any chance of getting back together?
Sa: (lowers her head, silent for a while, shakes her head) Although we split, but we're still good friends, we will worry about each other if anything bad happened. Hope everyone gave us more time.
R: Why decided to get divorce?
Sa: (silent, shakes her head)
R: When you went to the US to get married, was it well-planned?
Sa: (smiled bitterly) No.
R: No wedding ring?
Sa: (looks at her index finger, frowns for a while, shakes her head) No.
R: Married for 4 years, no plan to have a baby?
Sa: No.
R: Is there a song to describe your relationship with Ronald?
Sa: (seems to get mad) I really can't think of anything! No!
R: How are you feeling now?
Sa: (sighs) Still have to work, try to concentrate and finish the concert. I really don't want to think about anything right now. Hope everything pass more quickly.
Source: Oriental Daily / Translation: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment
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