Sunday, January 3, 2010

Mother passed away on New Year's Eve, Elva Hsiao to inherit ten million+

Elva Hsiao's mother died of illness on New Year's Eve. When she was on the stage, Elva hoped fans to pray for her mother together, "Please pray with me, give her another miracle, let me show her my filial obedience again." Her mother watched Elva's performance on bed through Skype. The hospital notified Elva about her mother's critical condition when Elva was on the way home. Before she passed away, Elva touched her mother's hair, and told her to leave without worries. She promised to take care of grandma and brother. Elva didn't dare to cry in front of her mother. She and her brother kowtowed 108 times to thank her mother's love and care.

Elva's mother was the head of a technology company. It's said she owned as much as a billion NTD estate. Last year, she transferred 50 thousands shares to Elva and spent 85,000,000 NTD to buy a luxurious house for Elva.

Elva expressed through her manager, saying she still cannot accept the death of her mother; it's like a dream. Considered about her mother's feelings, Elva won't send an obituary to her father (the two is divorced more than 20 years ago. Elva's father left a message on Elva's blog to thank Elva's fans' prayer, and he said he's willing to gets down on his knees to thank everyone.

[Now News & Information Times]


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