Thursday, July 15, 2010

Charlene Choi Faints Again, Is Sent to the Hospital

Charlene Choi (Ah Sa), who has been bothered by the cold this month, originally planned to fly to Shanghai to attend to a radio promotion event. But before she leaves, she suddenly felt uncomfortable; felt dizzy and wanted to throw up. At the end, she even fainted on the floor. Ah Sa was sent to the hospital and she felt better after being treated. She returned home to rest after getting an intravenous injection.

Yesterday afternoon, Ah Sa wrote on Weibo: "Lately I've been sick and have been taking medicines. Took too many medicines, my stomach couldn't handle it. Today I originally have to fly to Shanghai to attend to a promotion even. My stomach couldn't handle it again before leaving home. Feeling dizzy and wanting to throw up. In the end, finally felt better after taking a shot in the hospital. To the organization of today's event, fans, colleagues who went to the airport, and Mani, who I woke up six in the morning, I apologize sincerely, I'm sorry!" Ah Sa uploaded a photo of salty egg and congee, expressing she had to eat congee yesterday."

Manager Mani Fok expressed Ah Sa fainted due to overfatigue. She is fine after getting a shot in the hospital, so she returned home to rest. As for the radio event she missed, Ah Sa would participate again in September. Asked whether company would give Ah Sa a vacation for her to rest? Mani said: "No, Ah Sa has an advertisement job tomorrow. The company would make decisions depending on her health."

Source: Mingpao / Translation: KAY@ Kay's Entertainment


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