Thursday, July 15, 2010

Xiao S and Husband Behave Differently In Front and Behind Camera

Source: Liberty Times / Translated by: KAY @

Xiao S and husband Mike Hsu Ya Jun always appeared sweetly in front of the media. But recently they were photographed interacting coldly with each other, but suddenly holding hands again when they saw reporters.

This Monday around 5PM, reporters spotted Da S Barbie Hsu, Xiao S, and her husband eating dinner at a restaurant in a mall. Xiao S was talking to Da S happily and didn't have much interaction with Mike. Recently the two posted ugly photos of each other on the internet, therefore this dinner might a reconciliation dinner.

After they were done with their meal, reporters approached to them. Xiao S seemed a little embarrassed and Mike held her hands immediately. Maybe because of her occupational disease, Xiao S kept looking at the camera and smiled sweetly. Da S, who was left out, pretended she is a pedestrian to avoid embarrassment. Reporters almost bumped into Da S but she said: "No problem, go take pictures of them quickly!"

Asked how come Xiao S didn't bring her children out? She answered: "I accompanied with them the whole morning today." Then she smiled and asked reporters back: "Are you guys college students?" Asked Da S whether Mike hugging girls at pubs and not going home is a good behavior, whether she has any good advice? Once stood up for her brother-in-law, Da S got embarrassed and shouted: "Aiyou!" Mike jumped out and expressed: "This is old news! Answered many times already." Xiao S herself was looking at people walking passed by with an embarrassed look. Then Da S continued to be her sister's lightbulb, shopping with Xiao S and Mike.


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