Thursday, July 15, 2010

Raymond Lam Pairs With 'Mentally Retarded Charmaine Sheh,' Trying to Win TV King and Queen

This year TVB is pushing Raymond Lam's popularity: his series and films are releasing one after another. After "Mysteries of Love," his "Growing Through Life" (摘星之旅) is arranged as anniversary series. Four shows of his "Come 2 Me" concert to be held at the end of this month. As for his film "The Emerald and the Pearl" with Ah Sa Charlene Choi, Joey Yung, and Wong Cho Lam, it's set to release on August 5. Although Raymond is having high popularity this summer, but in order to keep it going until TVB Anniversary Awards, TVB would film a new series for him in the middle of August, trying to maintain his status as TVB "siu sun" and his high popularity.

After collaborating with Charmaine Sheh in "Drive of Life" (2007), this year they would collaborate again in a new series called <<花花世界花家姐>> (Flower World Flower Sister). It's know this series would start filming in the middle of August. This time Charmaine would have a break through performance, playing a mentally disabled person with IQ of a 10 year old. Raymond would play a rich spendthrift, which should be easy for him to play. Of course in the end after he experienced being poor, he would become a motivated man. In the series, the two would have a romantic relationship. In order to figure out her character, Charmaine visited a special school earlier. Roger Kwok's "Ah Wong" several year's received many good feedback. Now TVB specially created a similar character for Charmaine, she might have a high chance to win TV Queen.

Source: Singtao / Translated by: KAY @


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